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National Flip a Coin Day: Take a chance, stay insured

If there is anything we can be sure of, it’s that we can’t be sure of everything. Life has its share of uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control: car accidents, natural disasters, sudden layoffs, debilitating injuries, house fires.  You know, the things most people get insurance for.

Today, you can insure almost anything— your home, your health, your business, your belongings, your equipment, your valuables. The list goes on and on. We may not be able to prevent the unexpected, but insurance is how we mitigate the risks. 

Like we always say, when it comes to the things that matter most, you don’t want to leave anything to chance.

Of course, that hasn’t always been the case.

A Game of Chance

June 1st is U.S. Flip a Coin Day, where we celebrate (or at least reflect on) the history and significance of the famous coin flip. The game is simple and straightforward. Two parties choose a side – each represented by one “face” of the coin— and flip the coin. Whichever side is facing up wins. It is a game of chance because either face has a 50% chance of landing right-side up. Instead of settling the debate or making a decision by other means, like good ol’ communication, the coin flip lets chance decide the participants’ fate.

In American football, a coin flip is used to kick off a game. This tradition dates all the way back to 1892, when it was first introduced into the sport. The winner gets possession of the ball first, which some consider to be an advantage.

It’s not the only time a major decision was made with a coin flip.

The city of Portland, Oregon can thank the game for its name, after pioneers Asa Lovejoy (from Boston, Massachusetts) and Francis Pettygrove (from Portland, Maine) flipped a coin in 1845 to decide which hometown they would name the land after. Francis won, fair and square, and we’re glad he did; Boston, Oregon doesn’t quite roll off the tongue.

The game goes back even farther to ancient Greece in 600 BC with ostrakinda, or “the shell game.” In this coastal variation, a shell was used instead of a coin. Centuries later, in 49 BC, Julius Caesar famously used the coin flip—with his face on “heads” of course— to make important decisions.

Take a chance, but stay insured

U.S. Flip a Coin Day is a great reminder that it can be fun to leave some things up to chance. A few ways you can get into the holiday spirit today would be flipping a coin to choose:

·         What to wear

·         What to order for dinner

·         Which show to watch

·         Your next haircut or color (risky!)

And since we’re in the business of helping people protect themselves, their futures, and their loved ones, here’s a list of just some of the things you don’t want to leave up to chance:

·         Protection of your home

·         Your business

·         Your financial security

·         Your vehicle

·         The safety and protection of your employees

Luckily (pun intended), we are here so that you don’t need to flip a coin when it comes to the things that matter most. Speak with a BRZ agent today!

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