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9 Spring Maintenance Tips for your Home

Has anyone seen spring yet?

After months of frigid temps and snowstorms, temperatures are finally rising! The leaves are returning to the trees and we can already see some flower buds in the garden. Coats are getting lighter and we already see some skin exposed to the sun, which now stays out a little longer, lengthening the days.

When winter wears off, it’s time to check your home for damage, make necessary repairs, and prepare the garden for summertime. When we live in areas with such defined seasons and different climates, there’s no way we can leave our homes to suffer.

If you’ve already followed the advice we’ve given for fall or winter maintenance, you’ll likely have less work to do now in the spring. Maintenance guarantees that a house is always in order, safe and secure. It is important to remember that negligence is one of the main reasons a home insurance claim is denied by the insurer.

1. Clean the gutters as soon as possible

Gutters in your home should be cleaned and inspected frequently, as the damage caused by a clogged gutter can be enormous. Check for loose or leaking gutters and make sure there are no clogs. Consider installing gutter screens or guards to help keep debris out of gutters.

A clogged gutter can cause the wood in the eaves to rot, and end up “inviting” all kinds of critters to your attic, or even lead to rainwater leaking down to your basement.

Having your gutters cleaned in early spring can also help prevent damage from spring rains. A properly installed gutter will divert rainwater away from your home’s foundation.

2. Inspect the roof

Another item in your home that always deserves attention is the roof. It is your greatest protection and yet many neglect to maintain it.

Winter storms can take a toll on your roof, so it’s a good idea to check your shingles, confirm they’re all in place, and consider replacing any that are broken, cracked, or warped. You can do this inspection from a distance with binoculars or a zoom camera– you don’t have to risk climbing a ladder!

3. Take care of the wood in your home

If your house has wooden structures, doors, windows, railings, arbor, or pergola, or if it is all made of wood, this is a good time for maintenance. Look for leaky seals and varnish every two years.

Check for signs of termites

Termites are most active from May to June. Keep an eye out for signs, such as an unidentified mounds of brown dust under a closet, or holes that have appeared in a door, or even seeing small bugs near any holes. This is a DIY that we do not recommend; always seek an expert.

4. Inspect the chimney

Following the roof inspection, examine the exterior of the chimney for signs of damage. Chimneys are in great demand during the winter and deserve a little rest during the hot days. Hire an expert to clean and do a thorough check.

5. Mosquito control

You know who also loves warmer days? That’s right, mosquitoes!

A good place to start is to plant in your garden, or some other strategic place, plants that repel mosquitoes naturally, such as lavender, citronella, basil, mint and chrysanthemum. There are several others. Check the easiest to find in your area and choose your favorite.

For those who are Brazilian, the next tip is tattooed inside our heads: get rid of any standing water. No water in the plant dish, check any container that may be abandoned on the ground, avoid the formation of puddles.

Check screen doors and windows

Screens are designed to let the breeze flow and keep insects away. In order to be efficient, however, they cannot have any holes or rips. You can find screen repair kits at most hardware and home improvement stores.

6. Inspect the attic

Inspect it for any winter damage. Look for clogged openings, leaks in the roof, and water stains in the insulation. Make sure the ventilation is adequate and look for bird’s nests or any other tenant who may have taken shelter in your attic during the colder days.

7. Service your HVAC system

With heating in the winter or cooling in summer, your HVAC system is vital for your comfort. Dirty filters, however, will affect your health and your energy bill, as they can cause serious respiratory problems while leading to less efficient circulation. It is recommended to change the filters every season.

Check to make sure the operation is functioning well; clean coils operate more efficiently as well. 

8. Review your home insurance

Make sure your insurance meets all your needs and covers all risks before anything happens. Check maps of flood zones, fire hazards, and other hazards your home is exposed to.

BRZ reviews your home insurance for free, without any obligation, and you can still earn discounts on your installments.

9. Make maintenance a habit

Maintenance of your home throughout the year is essential to ensuring that it does not deteriorate through neglect or bad weather. Owning a house is not for amateurs; it takes a lot more time to take care of it than an apartment. However, all the work is about to pay off with long summer days ahead.

Making time for basic maintenance is essential to keeping your home in good working order. Remember the rule of thumb: the more regular the inspections and maintenance, the less frequent the repairs.

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